After 30+ years of being chained to an inhaler, I finally feel the freedom from dependency that seemed unattainable. The Buteyko Method undeniably lives up to the hype.
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As a human machine, I function far better than I can ever remember. I cannot emphasize enough my recommendation for Buteyko breathing.
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A fantastic difference to my asthma over the last couple of months, allowing me to move from being dependent on medication every day to only needing it once a week or so.
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I sleep better, my skin looks better, I have more energy and focus and above all it seems that my diagnosed asthma has disappeared!
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My breathing improved greatly. I am now able to walk the golf course in hot weather and I can also walk for an hour every morning without hyper-ventilating.
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I now no longer cough at night and at long last get a full night's sleep. I very rarely cough during the day and if I feel stressed at work I do my meditation breathing. It works!
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Promotes oxygen release by hemoglobin, improving oxygen supply to all cells in the body.
Balances the pH of the blood, improving the activities of 1000+ enzymes and vitamins.
Improves breathing and lowers blood-pressure by dilating the airways and all blood vessels.
Raises the antibody-antigen affinity so your antibodies can attack viruses more effectively.
Higher IQ and emotional balance because brain cells can synapse more effectively.
Helps glucose pass through cell membranes more easily so cells can burn more sugar.
Lowers the excitability of the nervous system and makes you feel calmer and be more in control.
Improves function of very important metabolic pathways called gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis.
Lowers the excitability of the respiratory center: you can do more exercise without feeling out of breath.
The BBC made an investigative documentary on Buteyko in 1998.
It's an excellent introduction to Buteyko Breathing:
Revert over 200 chronic diseases with Advanced Buteyko Breathing.
Buteyko is officially recognized as an effective treatment for asthma in the UK, Australia and Russia.
Buteyko Breathing improves oxygen supply, allowing the body to lower the bloodpressure (and pulse).
Buteyko Breathing can completely revert chronic fatigue (CFS/ME) by helping the blood supply more oxygen to cells.
Buteyko Breathing actively lowers stress levels and helps detoxify your system for a deeper and more restful sleep.
Buteyko Breathing lowers average breathing volume which helps people with hyperventilation and/or COPD.
Buteyko Breathing reverts allergies by strengthening and reducing hypersensitivity of the immune system.
Buteyko Breathing improves concentration, reduces stress and lowers the excitability of the nervous system.
Buteyko Breathing prevents the occurrence of sudden changes in the diameter of blood vessels in the brain.
Buteyko Breathing improves the body's natural detoxification processes, clearing up many chronic skin issues.